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Our History

“A passion for this part of the world….”

In 1996, my wife and I set out on a 2 month adventure honeymoon covering Argentina from north to south. With a borrowed Peugeot, a map, some cash in our pockets and no reservations, we began a life-altering journey that served as the catalyst for what Argentina Adventure is today.

Whether it was the awe of the magical scenery surrounding us, the excitement of the challenging terrain offered by these virgin lands or the deep sense peace we felt in the country’s vastness, we came back changed. And more importantly… with a passion for this privileged part of the world.

It is that passion that drives everything we do at Argentina Adventure today. We consider ourselves truly fortunate to share such a diverse and rich natural environment with you. As we like to say: This is our playground. We love it, we respect it… and we’re sure you will too!

Marcelo Diodati
Founder & President